




发布日期:2024-06-24 作者:开博

Nature, 9 May 2024, Volume 629 Issue 8011




Venus water loss is dominated by HCO+ dissociative recombination


▲ 作者:M. S. Chaffin, E. M. Cangi, B. S. Gregory, R. V. Yelle, J. Deighan, R. D. Elliott H. Gr?ller

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▲ Abstract:

Despite its Earth-like size and source material, Venus is extremely dry, indicating near-total water loss to space by means of hydrogen outflow from an ancient, steam-dominated atmosphere. Such hydrodynamic escape likely removed most of an initial Earth-like 3-km global equivalent layer (GEL) of water but cannot deplete the atmosphere to the observed 3-cm GEL because it shuts down below about 10–100?m GEL. To complete Venus water loss, and to produce the observed bulk atmospheric enrichment in deuterium of about 120?times Earth, nonthermal H escape mechanisms still operating today are required. Early studies identified these as resonant charge exchange, hot oxygen impact and ion outflow, establishing a consensus view of H escape that has since received only minimal updates. Here we show that this consensus omits the most important present-day H loss process, HCO+ dissociative recombination. This process nearly doubles the Venus H escape rate and, consequently, doubles the amount of present-day volcanic water outgassing and/or impactor infall required to maintain a steady-state atmospheric water abundance. These higher loss rates resolve long-standing difficulties in simultaneously explaining the measured abundance and isotope ratio of Venusian water and would enable faster desiccation in the wake of speculative late ocean scenarios. Design limitations prevented past Venus missions from measuring both HCO+ and the escaping hydrogen produced by its recombination; future spacecraft measurements are imperative.

An atomic boson sampler


▲ 作者:Aaron W. Young, Shawn Geller, William J. Eckner, Nathan Schine, Scott Glancy, Emanuel Knill Adam M. Kaufman

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▲ Abstract:

A boson sampler implements a restricted model of quantum computing. It is defined by the ability to sample from the distribution resulting from the interference of identical bosons propagating according to programmable, non-interacting dynamics. An efficient exact classical simulation of boson sampling is not believed to exist, which has motivated g开博体育round-breaking boson sampling experiments in photonics with increasingly many photons. However, it is difficult to generate and reliably evolve specific numbers of photons with low loss, and thus probabilistic techniques for postselection or marked changes to standard boson sampling are generally used. Here, we address the above challenges by implementing boson sampling using ultracold atoms in a two-dimensional, tunnel-coupled optical lattice. This demonstration is enabled by a previously unrealized combination of tools involving high-fidelity optical cooling and imaging of atoms in a lattice, as well as programmable control of those atoms using optical tweezers. When extended to interacting systems, our work demonstrates the core abilities required to directly assemble ground and excited states in simulations of various Hubbard models.

Observation of Nagaoka polarons in a Fermi–Hubbard quantum simulator


▲ 作者:Martin Lebrat, Muqing Xu, Lev Haldar Kendrick, Anant Kale, Youqi Gang, Pranav Seetharaman, Ivan Morera, Ehsan Khatami, Eugene Demler和Markus Greiner

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▲ Abstract:

Quantum interference can deeply alter the nature of many-body phases of matter. In the case of the Hubbard model, Nagaoka proved that introducing a single itinerant charge can transform a paramagnetic insulator into a ferromagnet through path interference. However, a microscopic observation of this kinetic magnetism induced by individually imaged dopants has been so far elusive. Here we demonstrate the emergence of Nagaoka polarons in a Hubbard system realized with strongly interacting fermions in a triangular optical lattice. Using quantum gas microscopy, we image these polarons as extended ferromagnetic bubbles around particle dopants arising from the local interplay of coherent dopant motion and spin exchange. By contrast, kinetic frustration due to the triangular geometry promotes antiferromagnetic polarons around hole dopants. Our work augurs the exploration of exotic quantum phases driven by charge motion in strongly correlated systems and over sizes that are challenging for numerical simulation.


Multi-project wafers for flexible thin-film electronics by independent foundries


▲ 作者:Hikmet ?eliker, Wim Dehaene Kris Myny

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▲ Abstract:

Flexible and large-area electronics rely on thin-film transistors (TFTs) to make displays, large-area image sensors, microprocessors, wearable healthcare patches, digital microfluidics and more. Although silicon-based complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) chips are manufactured using several dies on a single wafer and the multi-project wafer concept enables the aggregation of various CMOS chip designs within the same die, TFT fabrication is currently lacking a fully verified, universal design approach. This increases the cost and complexity of manufacturing TFT-based flexible electronics, slowing down their integration into more mature applications and limiting the design complexity achievable by foundries. Here we show a stable and high-yield TFT platform for the fabless manufacturing of two mainstream TFT technologies, wafer-based amorphous indium–gallium–zinc oxide and panel-based low-temperature polycrystalline silicon, two key TFT technologies applicable to flexible substrates. We have designed the iconic 6502 microprocessor in both technologies as a use case to demonstrate and expand the multi-project wafer approach. Enabling the foundry model for TFTs, as an analogy of silicon CMOS technologies, can accelerate the growth and development of applications and technologies based on these devices.

Chemical short-range disorder in lithium oxide cathodes


▲ 作者:Qidi Wang, Zhenpeng Yao, Jianlin Wang, Hao Guo, Chao Li, Dong Zhou, Xuedong Bai, Hong Li, Baohua Li, Marnix Wagemaker Chenglong Zhao

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▲ Abstract:

Ordered layered structures serve as essential components in lithium (Li)-ion cathodes1,2,3. However, on charging, the inherently delicate Li-deficient frameworks become vulnerable to lattice strain and structural and/or chemo-mechanical degradation, resulting in rapid capacity deterioration and thus short battery life2,4. Here we report an approach that addresses these issues using the integration of chemical short-range disorder (CSRD) into oxide cathodes, which involves the localized distribution of elements in a crystalline lattice over spatial dimensions, spanning a few nearest-neighbour spacings. This is guided by fundamental principles of structural chemistry and achieved through an improved ceramic synthesis process. To demonstrate its viability, we showcase how the introduction of CSRD substantially affects the crystal structure of layered Li cobalt oxide cathodes. This is manifested in the transition metal environment and its interactions with oxygen, effectively preventing detrimental sliding of crystal slabs and structural deterioration during Li removal. Meanwhile, it affects the electronic structure, leading to improved electronic conductivity. These attributes are highly beneficial for Li-ion storage capabilities, markedly improving cycle life and rate capability. Moreover, we find that CSRD can be introduced in additional layered oxide materials through improved chemical co-doping, further illustrating its potential to enhance structural and electrochemical stability. These findings open up new avenues for the design of oxide cathodes, offering insights into the effects of CSRD on the crystal and electronic structure of advanced functional materials.

Growth of diamond in liquid metal at 1 atm pressure


▲ 作者:Yan Gong, Da Luo, Myeonggi Choe, Yongchul Kim, Babu Ram, Mohammad Zafari, Won Kyung Seong, Pavel Bakharev, Meihui Wang, In Kee Park, Seulyi Lee, Tae Joo Shin, Zonghoon Lee, Geunsik Lee Rodney S. Ruoff

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▲ 摘要:

自然钻石是在几十亿年前地球上地幔的金属熔体中构成的,温度为900~ 1400°C,压力为5—6 GPa。按照碳3的相图,金刚石在高压和高温前提下是热力学不变的。




▲ Abstract:

Natural diamonds were (and are) formed (thousands of million years ago) in the upper mantle of Earth in metallic melts at temperatures of 900–1,400?°C and at pressures of 5–6?GPa (refs.?1,2). Diamond is thermodynamically stable under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions as per the phase diagram of carbon3. Scientists at General Electric invented and used a high-pressure and high-temperature apparatus in 1955 to synthesize diamonds by using molten iron sulfide at about 7?GPa and 1,600?°C (refs.?4,5,6). There is an existing model that diamond can be grown using liquid metals only at both high pressure and high temperature7. Here we describe the growth of diamond crystals and polycrystalline diamond films with no seed particles using liquid metal but at 1?atm pressure and at 1,025?°C, breaking this pattern. Diamond grew in the subsurface of liquid metal composed of gallium, iron, nickel and silicon, by catalytic activation of methane and diffusion of carbon atoms into and within the subsurface regions. We found that the supersaturation of carbon in the liquid metal subsurface leads to the nucleation and growth of diamonds, with Si playing an important part in stabilizing tetravalently bonded carbon clusters that play a part in nucleation. Growth of (metastable) diamond in liquid metal at moderate temperature and 1?atm pressure opens many possibilities for further basic science studies and for the scaling of this type of growth.


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