




发布日期:2024-10-08 作者:开博

Nature, 15 August 2024, Volume 632, Issue 8025



Bound star clusters observed in a lensed galaxy 460?Myr after the Big Bang


▲ 作者:Angela Adamo, Larry D. Bradley, Eros Vanzella, Adéla?de Claeyssens, Brian Welch, Jose M. Diego, et al.





研究组报导了JWST对“宇宙宝石弧”的不雅测。该星系的光被分化成五个星团,位在一个小在70 pc的区域内。这些星团表示出最小的尘埃衰减和低金属品貌,春秋小在50 Myr,本征质量约为106M⊙。其透镜校订尺寸约为1 pc,致使恒星概况密度接近105M⊙pc?2,比近域宇宙中典型的年青星团高三个数目级。


▲ Abstract:

The Cosmic Gems arc is among the brightest and highly magnified galaxies observed at redshift z?≈?10.2. However, it is an intrinsically ultraviolet faint galaxy, in the range of those now thought to drive the reionization of the Universe. Hitherto the smallest features resolved in a galaxy at a comparable redshift are between a few hundreds and a few tens of parsecs (pc). Here we report JWST observations of the Cosmic Gems. The light of the galaxy is resolved into five star clusters located in a region smaller than 70?pc. They exhibit minimal dust attenuation and low metallicity, ages younger than 50?Myr and intrinsic masses of about 106M⊙. Their lensing-corrected sizes are approximately 1?pc, resulting in stellar surface densities near 105M⊙pc?2, three orders of magnitude higher than typical young star clusters in the local Universe. Despite the uncertainties inherent to the lensing model, they are consistent with being gravitationally bound stellar systems, that is, proto-globular clusters. We conclude that star cluster formation and feedback likely contributed to shaping the properties of galaxies during the epoch of reionization.

材料科学Materials Science

Multi-heterojunctioned plastics with high thermoelectric figure of merit


▲ 作者:Dongyang Wang, Jiamin Ding, Yingqiao Ma, Chunlin Xu, Zhiyi Li, Xiao Zhang, et al.






研究组不雅察到,与单个聚合物比拟,该塑料的导热系数显著下降了60%以上,功率因数提高,致使ZT在368 K时高达1.28。这类聚合物的热电机能超出了商用热电材料和现有的柔性热电候选材料。


▲ Abstract:

Conjugated polymers promise inherently flexible and low-cost thermoelectrics for powering the Internet of Things from waste heat. Their valuable applications, however, have been hitherto hindered by the low dimensionle开博体育ss figure of merit (ZT). Here we report high-ZT thermoelectric plastics, which were achieved by creating a polymeric multi-heterojunction with periodic dual-heterojunction features, where each period is composed of two polymers with a sub-ten-nanometre layered heterojunction structure and an interpenetrating bulk-heterojunction interface. This geometry produces significantly enhanced interfacial phonon-like scattering while maintaining efficient charge transport. We observed a significant suppression of thermal conductivity by over 60?per cent and an enhanced power factor when compared with individual polymers, resulting in a ZT of up to 1.28 at 368?kelvin. This polymeric thermoelectric performance surpasses that of commercial thermoelectric materials and existing flexible thermoelectric candidates. Importantly, we demonstrated the compatibility of the polymeric multi-heterojunction structure with solution coating techniques for satisfying the demand for large-area plastic thermoelectrics, which paves the way for polymeric multi-heterojunctions towards cost-effective wearable thermoelectric technologies.

Buried interface molecular hybrid for inverted perovskite solar cells


▲ 作者:Sanwan Liu, Jingbai Li, Wenshan Xiao, Rui Chen, Zhenxing Sun, Yong Zhang, et al.






相当主要的是,该策略可与年夜范围制备无缝跟尾,实现了高达22.74%的颠倒微型模块最高认证功率转换效力之一(孔径面积为11.1 cm2)。该装备在情况空气中1太阳光强运行跨越2400小时后,仍连结96.1%的初始功率转换效力。

▲ Abstract:

Perovskite solar cells with an inverted architecture provide a key pathway for commercializing this emerging photovoltaic technology because of the better power conversion efficiency and operational stability compared with the normal device structure. Specifically, power conversion efficiencies of the inverted perovskite solar cells have exceeded 25% owing to the development of improved self-assembled molecules and passivation strategies. However, poor wettability and agglomeration of self-assembled molecules cause interfacial losses, impeding further improvement in the power conversion efficiency and stability. Here we report a molecular hybrid at the buried interface in inverted perovskite solar cells that co-assembled the popular self-assembled molecule [4-(3,6-dimethyl-9H-carbazol-9-yl)butyl]phosphonic acid (Me-4PACz) with the multiple aromatic carboxylic acid 4,4′,4″-nitrilotribenzoic acid (NA) to improve the heterojunction interface. The molecular hybrid of Me-4PACz with NA could substantially improve the interfacial characteristics. The resulting inverted perovskite solar cells demonstrated a record certified steady-state efficiency of 26.54%. Crucially, this strategy aligns seamlessly with large-scale manufacturing, achieving one of the highest certified power conversion efficiencies for inverted mini-modules at 22.74% (aperture area 11.1?cm2). Our device also maintained 96.1% of its initial power conversion efficiency after more than 2,400?h of 1-sun operation in ambient air.


A general strategy for the synthesis of taxane diterpenes


▲ 作者:Lu Pan, Fabian Schneider, Moritz Ottenbruch, Rainer Wiechert, Tatjana List, Philipp Schoch, et al.








▲ Abstract:

The carbon skeleton of any organic molecule serves as the foundation for its three-dimensional structure, playing a pivotal role in determining its physical and biological properties. As such, taxane diterpenes are one of the most well-known natural product families, primarily owing to the success of their most prominent compound, paclitaxel, an effective anticancer therapeutic for more than 25?years. In contrast to classical taxanes, the bioactivity of cyclotaxanes (also referred to as complex taxanes) remains significantly underexplored. The carbon skeletons of these two groups of taxanes differ significantly, and so would typically their own distinct synthetic approaches. Here we report a versatile synthetic strategy based on the interconversion of complex molecular frameworks, providing general access to the wider taxane diterpene family. A range of classical and cyclotaxane frameworks was prepared including, among others, the total syntheses of taxinine K (2), canataxapropellane (5) and dipropellane C from a single advanced intermediate. The synthetic approach deliberately eschews biomimicry, emphasizing instead the power of stereoelectronic control in orchestrating the interconversion of polycyclic frameworks.

地球科学Earth Science

Global net climate effects of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen


▲ 作者:Cheng Gong, Hanqin Tian, Hong Liao, Naiqing Pan, Shufen Pan, Akihiko Ito, et al.





研究组注解,与1850年比拟,2019年报酬Nr酿成的净负直接辐射逼迫为-0.34 [-0.20,-0.50] W m-2。这类净冷却效应是气溶胶负荷增添、甲烷寿命缩短和与报酬Nr增添相干的陆地碳固存增添的成果,而年夜气一氧化二氮和臭氧加强的增温效应没法抵消这些影响。


▲ Abstract:

Anthropogenic activities have substantially enhanced the loadings of reactive nitrogen (Nr) in the Earth system since pre-industrial times, contributing to widespread eutrophication and air pollution. Increased Nr can also influence global climate through a variety of effects on atmospheric and land processes but the cumulative net climate effect is yet to be unravelled. Here we show that anthropogenic Nr causes a net negative direct radiative forcing of ?0.34?[?0.20, ?0.50]?W?m-2 in the year 2019 relative to the year 1850. This net cooling effect is the result of increased aerosol loading, reduced methane lifetime and increased terrestrial carbon sequestration associated with increases in anthropogenic Nr, which are not offset by the warming effects of enhanced atmospheric nitrous oxide and ozone. Future predictions using three representative scenarios show that this cooling effect may be weakened primarily as a result of reduced aerosol loading and increased lifetime of methane, whereas in particular N2O-induced warming will probably continue to increase under all scenarios. Our results indicate that future reductions in anthropogenic Nr to achieve environmental protection goals need to be accompanied by enhanced efforts to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions to achieve climate change mitigation in line with the Paris Agreement.

Deep crustal assimilation during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Fires, Iceland


▲ 作者:James M. D. Day, Savannah Kelly, Valentin R. Troll, William M. Moreland, Geoffrey W. Cook Thor Thordarson







▲ Abstract:

Active basaltic eruptions enable time-series analysis of geochemical and geophysical properties, providing constraints on mantle composition and eruption processes. The continuing Fagradalsfjall and Sundhnúkur fires on Iceland’s Reykjanes Peninsula, beginning in 2021, enable such an approach. Earliest lavas of this volcanic episode have been interpreted to exclusively reflect a change from shallow to deeper mantle source processes. Here we show using osmium (Os) isotopes that the 2021 Fagradalsfjall lavas are both fractionally crystallized and strongly crustally contaminated, probably by mid-ocean-ridge gabbros and older basalts underlying the Reykjanes Peninsula. Earliest eruptive products (187Os/188Os≤?0.188, platinum (Pt)/iridium (Ir)?≤?76) are highly anomalous for Icelandic lavas or global oceanic basalts and Os isotope ratios remain elevated throughout the 2021 eruption, indicating a continued but diluted presence of contaminants. The 2022 lavas show no evidence for contamination (187Os/188Os=?0.131, Pt/Ir?=?30), being typical of Icelandic basalts (0.132?±?0.007). Initiation of the Fagradalsfjall Fires in 2021 involved pre-eruptive stalling, fractional crystallization and crustal assimilation of earliest lavas. An established magmatic conduit system in 2022 enabled efficient magma transit to the surface without crustal assimilation.


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