




发布日期:2024-10-07 作者:开博









基在收集药理学、脂质组学和转录组学研究藤茶总黄酮改良AKT过表达引诱非酒精性脂肪肝的感化机制 Food Function 2024.2 配合一作排第二 正常申报 A new type of DNA phosphorothioation-based antiviral system archaea Nature Communications 2019 配合一作排第一 正常申报 论文 High-throughput autoantibody profiling of different stages of Schistosomiasis japonica Autoimmunity 2023.8 配合一作排第一 正常申报 The role and mechanism of esketamine in preventing and treating remifentanil-induced hyperalgesia based on the NMDA receptor-CaMKII pathway(基在NMDA的乙酰氯胺酮预防和医治瑞芬太尼而至痛觉过敏的感化和机制) De Gruyter 2023.11 配合作者排第二 正常申报 Immunogenicity of an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in people living with HIV-1:a non-randomized cohort study EClinicalMedicine 2021.1 配合一作排第一 正常申报 GmoDetector:An accurate and efficient GMO identification approach and its applications Food Research International 2021.8 第一作者 正常申报 Waterborne polyurethanes with novel chain extenders bearing multiple sulfonate groups Chemical Engineering Journal 2023.11 通信作者 正常申报 Preparation of CuO-F Bi2O3/SiO2@TiO2 core-she ell structured catalysts and its catalytic performanc e for synthesis of 1,4-bu tynediol by ethynylation of formaldehyde Catalysis Communications 2024.2 配合通信作者 正常申报 Enhanced thermoelectric performance in Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3/SiC composites prepared by low-temperature liquid phase sintering(低温液相烧结法制备热电机能加强的Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3/SiC 复合材料) Jouranl of Materials Chemistry A 2023.3 通信作者 正常申报 An alcohol-dispersed conducting polymer complex for fully printable organic solar cells with improved stability Nature Energy 2022.7 配合一作排第一 正常申报 Tripartite motif-containing protein 11 promotes hepatocellular carcinogenesis through ubiquitin-proteasome-mediated degradation of pleckstrin homology domain leucine-rich repeats protein phosphatase HEPATOLOGY 2022.9 配合一作排第三 正常申报 E3泛素毗连酶环指卵白5经由过程泛素介导的3-羟基-3-甲基戊二酰辅酶A还原酶降解卵白1的降解来改良非酒精性脂肪性肝炎 HEPATOLOGY 2021.11 配合一作排第一 正常申报 Integrated FET sensing microsystem for specific detection of pancreatic cancer exosomal miRNA10b Analytica Chimica Acta 2023.11 配合一作排第一 正常申报 23价肺炎球菌多糖疫苗在≥2岁健康人群中平安性和免疫原性Ⅳ期临床实验评价 中国疫苗和免疫 2024.4 通信作者 正常申报 Effects of dietary thiamin on flesh quality in grass carp(Ctenopharyngodon idella)(饲猜中添加分歧程度硫胺素对草鱼肌肉品质的影响) Aquaculture Research 2022.12 第一作者 正常申报 Research Progress Related to Aflatoxin Contamination and Prevention and Control of Soils toxins 2023.7 第一作者 正常申报 Selenium fertilizer improves microbial community structure and diversity of rhizospheric soil and selenium accumulation in tomato plants Taylor Francis 2024.2 第一作者 正常申报 The significant role of bimodal lamellar heterostructure for Lüders deformation and TRIP effect in 18Cr-8Ni austenitic stainless steel(双峰层状异质布局对18Cr-8Ni奥氏体不锈钢Lüders变形和TRIP效应的主要感化) Materials Science Engineering A 2023.9 第一作者 直接申报副高 SCI论文 Simultaneous enhance of the thermal shock resistance and slag-penetration resistance for tundish flow-control refractories:the role of microporous magnesia Materials Design 2023.8 第一作者 直接申报副高 STAT4基因rs7574865位点多态性与武陵山地域类风湿性关节炎具有相干性 细胞与份子免疫学杂志 2018.8 第一作者 平级转评 Inulin-type fructans supplementation improves glycemic control for the prediabetesand type 2 diabetes populations: results from a GRADE-assessed systematic review anddose-response meta-analysis of 33 randomized controlled trials Journal of Translation Medicine 2019 第一作者 平级转评 Arginine GlcNAcylation of Rab small GTPases by the pathogen Salmonella Typhimurium Communications Biology(中科院一区) 2020 第一作者 平级转评 Auto arginine-GlcNAcylation is crucial for bacterial pathogens in regulating host cell death frontiers in Cellilar and Infection Microbiology 2020.5 配合一作排第一 平级转评 肠道病原菌Ⅲ型排泄系统效应卵白调控宿主细胞NF-κB和MAPK旌旗灯号通路的研究进展 WIREs Mechanisms of Disease 2022.7 第二作者 平级转评 Highly Sensitive and Rapid Identification of of Streptococcus agalactiae Based on Multiple Cross Displacement Amplifcation Coupled With Lateral Flow Biosensor Assay frontires in Microbiology 2020.8 第一作者 平级转评 Weak association of a TNFRSFIA polymorphism with Behcet's disease in Chinese Han Experimental Eye Research 2020 独一第一作者 正常申报 Identification of a novel ferroptosis-related gene signature associated with retinal degeneration induced by light damage in mice Heliyon 2023.11 配合一作排第一 正常申报 手艺尺度 湖北省处所尺度《科技功效评价 第1部门:分类评价规范》《科技功效评价 第二部门:工作规程》《科技功效评价 第3部门:机构和人员要求》系列处所尺度 2023.9 首要完成人员 平级转评 体验式进修在天文类教育勾当设计中的利用--以湖北省科技馆“月相”主题教育勾当为例 科学教开博体育育与博物馆 2024.4 第一作者 正常申报 体验式科普教育勾当学生探讨介入度研究--以高校科学营“植物吐泡泡”专题勾当为例 Science Education and Museums 2023.6 第一作者 正常申报 Inhibition of p62 and/or NFE2L2 induced autophagy impaires esophageal squamous cell cancer metastasis by reversing EMT Gene 2023.1 配合一作排第二 平级转评 Synergistic effect of cryptotanshinone and temozolomide treatment against human glioblastoma cells Scientific Report 2023 通信作者 平级转评

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