




发布日期:2024-08-20 作者:开博

Nature, 27 June 2024, Volume 630 Issue 8018

《天然》, 2024年6月27日,第630卷,8018期


材料科学Materials Science

Large-area, self-healing block copolymer membranes for energy conversion


▲ 作者:Christian C. M. Sproncken, Peng Liu et.al

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▲ 摘要:

在此,我们介绍一种自组装策略,该策略利用水两相系统的界面来模板化和不变扩大面积跨越10 cm2且无缺点的份子薄膜(约35 nm)仿生嵌段共聚物双层。

这些薄膜可自我修复,且对离子经由过程的樊篱功能(比电阻约为1 MΩ cm2)接近磷脂膜。薄膜的活动性使份子载体可以或许进行直接的功能化,这些份子载体具有比钠离子更邃密的选择性,可以将钾离子沿浓度梯度向下穿梭。这类离子选择性使得在摹拟电射线的电器官的装配中,在NaCl和KCl的等摩尔溶液可以或许发生电能。

▲ Abstract:

Here we introduce a self-assembly strategy that uses the interface of an aqueous two-phase system to template and stabilize molecularly thin (approximately 35 nm) biomimetic block copolymer bilayers of scalable area that can exceed 10 cm2 without defects. These membranes are self-healing, and their barrier function against the passage of ions (specific resistance of approximately 1 MΩ cm2) approaches that of phospholipid membranes. The fluidity of these membranes enables straightforward functionalization with molecular carriers that shuttle potassium ions down a concentration gradient with exquisite selectivity over sodium ions. This ion selectivity enables the generation of electric power from equimolar solutions of NaCl and KCl in devices that mimic the electric organ of electric rays.

海洋科学Marine Science

Observations of diapycnal upwelling within a sloping submarine canyon


▲ 作者:Bethan L. Wynne-Cattanach, Nicole Couto et.al

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▲ 摘要:

在此,我们展现以天天100米的速度沿等高线上升的剧烈近底部上升流,加上近鸿沟和内部流体的绝热互换。这些不雅测是经由过程在倾斜海底峡谷内接近海底释放一种染料进行的,它们为深海中以底部为中间的剧烈底旋上升流供给了直接证据。这撑持了先前的不雅点,即夹杂的地形特点(如峡谷)会在全球规模内致使显著的上升流。我们不雅测到的上升流速度年夜约比全球净上升流的平均值(约30 × 106 m3 s-1)高10000倍。

▲ Abstract:

Here we show vigorous near-bottom upwelling across isopycnals at a rate of the order of 100 metres per day, coupled with adiabatic exchange of near-boundary and interior fluid. These observations were made using a dye released close to the seafloor within a sloping submarine canyon, and they provide direct evidence of strong, bottom-focused diapycnal upwelling in the deep ocean. This supports previous suggestions that mixing at topographic features, such as canyons, leads to globally significant upwelling. The upwelling rates observed were approximately 10,000 times higher than the global average value required for approximately 30 × 106 m3 s-1 of net upwelling globally.

Rhizobia–diatom symbiosis fixes missing nitrogen in the ocean


▲ 作者:Bernhard Tschitschko, Mertcan Esti et.al

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▲ 摘要:

在此,我们陈述一种非蓝藻固氮共生体的发现——Candidatus Tectiglobus diatomicola,它为其硅藻宿主供给固定氮以换取光合碳。这类固氮共生体属在根瘤菌纲,它与单细胞硅藻的连系扩年夜了已知宿主的规模,超越了尽人皆知的陆地固氮根瘤菌与豆科的共生关系。


▲ Abstract:

Here we report the discovery of a non-cyanobacterial N2-fixing symbiont, ‘Candidatus Tectiglobus diatomicola’, which provides its diatom host with fixed nitrogen in return for photosynthetic carbon. The N2-fixing symbiont belongs to the order Rhizobiales and its association with a unicellular diatom expands the known hosts for this order beyond the well-known N2-fixing rhizobia–legume symbioses on land. Our results show that the rhizobia–diatom symbioses can contribute as much fixed nitrogen as can cyanobacterial N2 fixers in the tropical North Atlantic, and that they might be responsible for N2 fixation in the vast regions of the ocean in which cyanobacteria are too rare to account for the measured rates.


Sleep loss diminishes hippocampal reactivation and replay


▲ 作者:Bapun Giri, Nathaniel Kinsky, Utku Kaya, Kourosh Maboudi, Ted Abel Kamran Diba

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▲ 摘要:

在这里,我们记实了年夜鼠在履历迷宫摸索、睡眠和睡眠褫夺落后行恢复性睡眠, 12小时的CA1神经元勾当。我们发现,在睡眠褫夺时代,海马尖波涟漪(SWRs)表示出延续或更高的频率,但功率较低,频率波动较高。锥体细胞在睡眠褫夺时表示出延续的放电,而在睡眠状况时则表示出放电削减,但不管睡眠状况若何,它们在SWRs时代的放电率都是类似的。虽然在睡眠褫夺时代有壮大的放电和丰硕的SWRs,但我们发此刻这些期间神经元放电模式的再激活和重放削减了,与自由睡眠比拟,在某些环境下乃至完全消逝了。在恢复性睡眠后,年夜脑的再激活会部门反弹,但没有到达天然睡眠时的程度。

▲ Abstract:

Here we recorded CA1 neuronal activity over 12 h in rats across maze exploration, sleep and sleep deprivation, followed by recovery sleep. We found that sharp-wave ripples (SWRs) showed sustained or higher rates during sleep deprivation but with lower power and higher frequency ripples. Pyramidal cells exhibited sustained firing during sleep deprivation and reduced firing during sleep, yet their firing rates were comparable during SWRs regardless of sleep state. Despite the robust firing and abundance of SWRs during sleep deprivation, we found that the reactivation and replay of neuronal firing patterns was diminished during these periods and, in some cases, completely abolished compared to ad libitum sleep. Reactivation partially rebounded after recovery sleep but failed to reach the levels found in natural sleep.


Ancient genomes reveal insights into ritual life at Chichén Itzá


▲ 作者:Rodrigo Barquera, Oana Del Castillo-Chávez et.al

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▲ 摘要:



▲ Abstract:

Here we present genome-wide data obtained from 64 subadult individuals dating to around AD 500–900 that were found in a subterranean mass burial near the Sacred Cenote (sinkhole) in the ceremonial centre of Chichén Itzá. Genetic analyses showed that all analysed individuals were male and several individuals were closely related, including two pairs of monozygotic twins. Twins feature prominently in Mayan and broader Mesoamerican mythology, where they embody qualities of duality among deities and heroes, but until now they had not been identified in ancient Mayan mortuary contexts. Genetic comparison to present-day people in the region shows genetic continuity with the ancient inhabitants of Chichén Itzá, except at certain genetic loci related to human immunity, including the human leukocyte antigen complex, suggesting signals of adaptation due to infectious diseases introduced to the region during the colonial period.

治理学Management Science

Hybrid working from home improves retention without damaging performance


▲ 作者:Nicholas Bloom, Ruobing Han James Liang

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▲ 摘要:


最后,零等效性测试也注解,夹杂办公对计较机工程师员工编写代码没有影响。我们还发现,在尝试中,395位治理者改变了他们对夹杂办公对出产力影响的观点,从尝试前的负面影响(平均为- 2.6%)到尝试后感知到的积极影响(+1.0%)。这些成果注解,每周在家工作两天的夹杂办公打算不会下降员工的表示。

▲ Abstract:

Here we ran a six-month randomized control trial investigating the effects of hybrid working from home on 1,612 employees in a Chinese technology company in 2021–2022. We found that hybrid working improved job satisfaction and reduced quit rates by one-third. The reduction in quit rates was significant for non-managers, female employees and those with long commutes. Null equivalence tests showed that hybrid working did not affect performance grades over the next two years of reviews. We found no evidence for a difference in promotions over the next two years overall, or for any major employee subgroup. Finally, null equivalence tests showed that hybrid working had no effect on the lines of code written by computer-engineer employees. We also found that the 395 managers in the experiment revised their surveyed views about the effect of hybrid working on productivity, from a perceived negative effect (2.6% on average) before the experiment to a perceived positive one (+1.0%) after the experiment. These results indicate that a hybrid schedule with two days a week working from home does not damage performance.


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