




发布日期:2024-08-03 作者:开博


Nature, Volume 631 Issue 8020, 11 July 2024




Observation of Bose–Einstein condensation of dipolar molecules


▲ 作者:Niccolò Bigagli, Weijun Yuan, Siwei Zhang, Boris Bulatovic, Tijs Karman, Ian Stevenson Sebastian Will






▲ Abstract:

Ensembles of particles governed by quantum mechanical laws exhibit intriguing emergent behaviour. Atomic quantum gases, liquid helium and electrons in quantum materials all exhibit distinct properties because of their composition and interactions. Quantum degenerate samples of ultracold dipolar molecules promise the realization of new phases of matter and new avenues for quantum simulation and quantum computation. However, rapid losses, even when reduced through collisional shielding techniques, have so far prevented evaporative cooling to a Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC). Here we report on the realization of a BEC of dipolar molecules. By strongly suppressing two- and three-body losses via enhanced collisional shielding, we evaporatively cool sodium–caesium molecules to quantum degeneracy and cross the phase transition to a BEC. The BEC reveals itself by a bimodal distribution when the phase-space density exceeds 1. BECs with a condensate fraction of 60(10)% and a temperature of 6(2) nK are created and found to be stable with a lifetime close to 2 s. This work opens the door to the exploration of dipolar quantum matter in regimes that have been inaccessible so far, promising the creation of exotic dipolar droplets, self-organized crystal phases and dipolar spin liquids in optical lattices.

Tunable entangled photon-pair generation in a liquid crystal


▲ 作者:Vitaliy Sultanov, Alja? Kav?i?, Emmanouil Kokkinakis, Nerea Sebastián, Maria V. Chekhova Matja? Humar







▲ Abstract:

Liquid crystals, with their ability to self-assemble, strong response to an electric field and integrability into complex systems, are key materials in light-beam manipulation1. The recently discovered ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals also have considerable second-order optical nonlinearity, making them a potential material for nonlinear optics. Their use as sources of quantum light could considerably extend the boundaries of photonic quantum technologies6. However, spontaneous parametric down-conversion, the basic source of entangled photons, heralded single photons and squeezed light, has so far not been observed in liquid crystals—or in any liquids or organic materials. Here we implement spontaneous parametric down-conversion in a ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal and demonstrate electric-field tunable broadband generation of entangled photons, with an efficiency comparable to that of the best nonlinear crystals. The emission rate and polarization state of photon pairs is markedly varied by applying a few volts or twisting the molecular orientation along the sample. A liquid-crystal source enables a special type of quasi-phase matching, which is based on the molecular twist structure and is therefore reconfigurable for the desired spectral and polarization properties of photon pairs. Such sources promise to outperform standard nonlinear optical materials in terms of functionality, brightness and the tunability of the generated quantum state. The concepts developed here can be extended to complex topological structures, macroscopic devices and multi-pixel tunable quantum light sources.

Fast-moving stars around an intermediate-mass black hole in ω Centauri


▲ 作者:Maximilian H?berle, Nadine Neumayer, Anil Seth, Andrea Bellini, Mattia Libralato, Holger Baumgardt, Matthew Whitaker, Antoine Dumont, Mayte Alfaro-Cuello, Jay Anderson, Callie Clontz, Nikolay Kacharov, Sebastian Kamann, Anja Feldmeier-Krause, Antonino Milone, Maria Selina Nitschai, Renuka Pechetti Glenn van de Ven








欧空局哈勃拍摄的半人马座欧米茄星团新彩色图象。图片来自:ESA哈勃 NASA,M.Haberle

▲ Abstract:

Black holes have been found over a wide range of masses, from stellar remnants with masses of 5–150 solar masses (M☉), to those found at the centres of galaxies with M 105M☉. However, only a few debated candidate black holes exist between 150M☉ and 105M☉. Determining the population of these intermediate-mass black holes is an important step towards understanding supermassive black hole formation in the early universe. Several studies have claimed the detection of a central black hole in ω Centauri, the most massive globular cluster of the Milky Way. However, these studies have been questioned because of the possible mass contribution of stellar mass black holes, their sensitivity to the cluster centre and the lack of fast-moving stars above the escape velocity. Here we report the observations of seven fast-moving stars in the central 3 arcsec (0.08 pc) of ω Centauri. The velocities of the fast-moving stars are significantly higher than the expected central escape velocity of the star cluster, so their presence can be explained only by being bound to a massive black hole. From the velocities alone, we can infer a firm lower limit of the black hole mass of about 8,200M☉, making this a good case for an intermediate-mass black hole in the local universe.

Tunable superconductivity in electron- and hole-doped Bernal bilayer graphene


▲ 作者:Chushan Li, Fan Xu, Bohao Li, Jiayi Li, Guoan Li, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Bingbing Tong, Jie Shen, Li Lu, Jinfeng Jia, Fengcheng Wu, Xiaoxue Liu Tingxin Li




基在石墨烯的高质量二维电子系统已成为研究超导性的高度可调平台。具体来讲,在电子和空穴搀杂的扭曲石墨烯涡流系统中都不雅察到了超导性,而在晶体石墨烯系统中,迄今为止只在空穴搀杂的菱形三层石墨烯(RTG)和空穴搀杂的Bernal双层石墨烯(BBG)中不雅察到超导性。比来,因为接近单层WSe2, BBG中的超导性获得了加强。

研究者报导了经由过程静电搀杂在电子和空穴搀杂的BBG/WSe2器件中不雅察到的超导性和一系列风味对称性破缺相。不雅察到的超导性的强度可以经由过程施加垂直电场来调理。电子搀杂和空穴搀杂超导的最年夜berezinski - kosterlitz - Thouless改变温度别离约为210 mK和400 mK。只有当外加电场驱动BBG电子或空穴波函数向WSe2层移动时,超导性才会呈现,这强调了WSe2层在不雅察到的超导性中的主要性。空穴搀杂的超导背反了泡利顺磁极限,合适伊辛类超导体。比拟之下,电子搀杂的超导性遵从泡利极限,虽然在导带中临近引诱的伊辛自旋轨道耦合也很较着。该发现凸起了与BBG中传导带相干的丰硕物理特征,为进一步研究晶体石墨烯的超导机制和基在BBG的超导体器件的开辟摊平了道路。

▲ Abstract:

Graphene-based, high-quality, two-dimensional electronic systems have emerged as a highly tunable platform for studying superconductivity. Specifically, superconductivity has been observed in both electron- and hole-doped twisted graphene moiré systems, whereas in crystalline graphene systems, superconductivity has so far been observed only in hole-doped rhombohedral trilayer graphene (RTG) and hole-doped Bernal bilayer graphene (BBG). Recently, enhanced superconductivity has been demonstrated in BBG because of the proximity to a monolayer WSe2. Here we report the observation of superconductivity and a series of flavour-symmetry-breaking phases in electron- and hole-doped BBG/WSe2 devices by electrostatic doping. The strength of the observed superconductivity is tunable by applied vertical electric fields. The maximum Berezinskii–Kosterlitz Thouless transition temperature for the electron- and hole-doped superconductivity is about 210mK and 400mK, respectively. Superconductivities emerge only when the applied electric fields drive the BBG electron or hole wavefunctions towards the WSe2 layer, underscoring the importance of the WSe2 layer in the observed superconductivity. The hole-doped superconductivity violates the Pauli paramagnetic limit, consistent with an Ising-like superconductor. By contrast, the electron-doped superconductivity obeys the Pauli limit, although the proximity-induced Ising spin–orbit coupling is also notable in the conduction band. Our findings highlight the rich physics associated with the conduction band in BBG, paving the way for further studies into the superconducting mechanisms of crystalline graphene and the development of superconductor devices based on BBG.


Glassy gels toughened by solvent


▲ 作者:Meixiang Wang, Xun Xiao, Salma Siddika, Mohammad Shamsi, Ethan Frey, Wen Qian, Wubin Bai, Brendan T. O’Connor Michael D. Dickey





离子液体增添了自由体积,是以,虽然缺少传统的溶剂(例如,水),可扩大性。但在室温下,离子液体在聚合物链之间构成强而丰硕的非共价交联,构成坚固、坚韧、玻璃状和平均的收集(即没有相分手)。虽然液体含量跨越54wt %,但玻璃凝胶具有庞大的断裂强度(42 MPa)、韧性(110 MJ m?3)、屈就强度(73 MPa)和杨氏模量(1 GPa)。这些值与热塑性塑料(如聚乙烯)类似,但与热塑性塑料分歧的是,玻璃状凝胶可以变形到670%的应变,而且在加热时可以完全快速恢复。这些透明材料经由过程一步聚合构成,具有使人印象深入的粘合、自愈和外形记忆特征。

▲ Abstract:

Glassy polymers are generally stiff and strong yet have limited extensibility. By swelling with solvent, glassy polymers can become gels that are soft and weak yet have enhanced extensibility. The marked changes in properties arise from the solvent increasing free volume between chains while weakening polymer–polymer interactions. Here we show that solvating polar polymers with ionic liquids (that is, ionogels) at appropriate concentrations can produce a unique class of materials called glassy gels with desirable properties of both glasses and gels. The ionic liquid increases free volume and therefore extensibility despite the absence of conventional solvent (for example, water). Yet, the ionic liquid forms strong and abundant non-covalent crosslinks between polymer chains to render a stiff, tough, glassy, and homogeneous network (that is, no phase separation), at room temperature. Despite being more than 54wt% liquid, the glassy gels exhibit enormous fracture strength (42 MPa), toughness (110 MJ m?3), yield strength (73 MPa) and Young’s modulus (1 GPa). These values are similar to those of thermoplastics such as polyethylene, yet unlike thermoplastics, the glassy gels can be deformed up to 670% strain with full and rapid recovery on heating. These transparent materials form by a one-step polymerization and have impressive adhesive, self-healing and shape-memory properties.

Direct radical functionalization of native sugars


▲ 作者:Yi Jiang, Yi Wei, Qian-Yi Zhou, Guo-Quan Sun, Xia-Ping Fu, Nikita Levin, Yijun Zhang, Wen-Qiang Liu, NingXi Song, Shabaz Mohammed, Benjamin G. Davis Ming Joo Koh







▲ Abstract:

Naturally occurring (native) sugars and carbohydrates contain numerous hydroxyl groups of similar reactivity. Chemists, therefore, rely typically on laborious, multi-step protecting-group strategies3 to convert these renewable feedstocks into reagents (glycosyl donors) to make glycans. The direct transformation of native sugars to complex saccharides remains a notable challenge. Here we describe a photoinduced approach to achieve site- and stereoselective chemical glycosylation from widely available native sugar building blocks, which through homolytic (one-electron) chemistry bypasses unnecessary hydroxyl group masking and manipulation. This process is reminiscent of nature in its regiocontrolled generation of a transient glycosyl donor, followed by radical-based cross-coupling with electrophiles on activation with light. Through selective anomeric functionalization of mono- and oligosaccharides, this protecting-group-free ‘cap and glycosylate’ approach offers straightforward access to a wide array of metabolically robust glycosyl compounds. Owing to its biocompatibility, the method was extended to the direct post-translational glycosylation of proteins.


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